Specials Grading Rubric
4 - proficient with distinction
Advanced and complete understanding of and competence in core concepts and skills. Student's work demonstrates ability to take the task to a more advanced level. The student's work contains clear and convincing evidence of advanced knowledge and skill. Evidence of 'proficiency with distinction' shows that a student clearly exceeds the standard. Student's participation shows that they are 'authentically engaged' in class.
3 - proficient
Complete understanding of and competence in the core skills and concepts. The student's work contains sufficient evidence of competence in and comprehension of core elements. The student's work may contain some minor inconsistencies, flaws or errors, but they do not detract from overall evidence of achievement. Student's participation shows that they are 'ritually engaged' or 'authentically engaged' in class.
2 - partially proficient
Partial understanding of and competence in one or more of the core skills and concepts. Student's work contains inconsistent evidence of the student's competence in and comprehension of the core elements. The student's work may contain inconsistencies, flaws or errors that limit the achievement of core elements. Student's participation show they are at the 'passive compliant' or 'retreatism' level of engagement in class.
1 - substantially below proficient
Limited understanding of and competence in several of the core skills and concepts. Student's work contains insufficient evidence of the student's competence in and comprehension of the core elements. While student's work may contain some of the attributes of an appropriate response, there are substantial inconsistencies, flaws or errors that suggest the need for considerable new learning before the student has achieved the standard. Students are at the 'rebellion' or 'retreatism' stage of engagement in class.